Current Home Page designed: 10/03/25
Welcome to the Clock Tower, what started as a Type Moon fan site (hence the name) and what has become my site to just... put whatever on here.
As you can tell from the navigation, this site is still semi-largely dedicated to trying to sell you on picking up one of the various type moon titles out there, so have a look at them. Right now only Tsukihime and Fate/hollow ataraxia are finished, but I plan to eventually finish them all out with a basic premise and some character sections.
The other areas on here like my blog and the about me section are not dedicated to Type-Moon persay but the latter has me add quite a few images of it despite that. Check them out too please, I put a lot of effort into them. (Well, not the blog). Warning for my personal opinions on current affairs, politics, etc for the blog if you want to remain "apolitical".