A "sequel" to Fate/Stay Night in the same vein as Kagetsu Tohya, except significantly larger.

8 months after the Holy Grail War, Emiya Shirou enjoys his ordinary life one Summer living alongside Fuji, Rider... Illya and


It seems that somehow, everyone who could possibly have survived the Fifth Holy Grail War has.

Basically, it's a hypothetical "perfect" world where everyone (except Kirei) survives and lives in world of low-stakes Slice of Life hijinks.

Want to see Caster fret over life as a houswife, Lancer fail at picking up women or Gilgamesh's "fashion" sense? Then this is the game for you.

Surely, Rin's experiment - the one she went back to England to deal with the fallout of - has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Regardless, enjoy this fun little bonus to Fate/Stay Night,

And pay no attention to those shadows at night.

See map: here. There may be a few places or persons of interest there.